President's Message

 Warning: if you read this article you will be exposed to a few of my favorite sayings. When starting any endeavor, it's entirely appropriate to step back, take stock of the situation and look at the big picture. First, find the "Why". Once answered, the "who" and the "what" will follow.


See the ball. Hit the Ball.

The job of any Board of Directors and Leadership team is to determine the direction of theorganization and make course adjustments from time to  time.  Defining and re-defining our purpose, or ‘the ball’.



It has been said that there are two great days in a person’s life, “when you are born and when you know why.” The Why for the Association is to professionally promote the practice of real estate sales and management to the betterment of our clients, our community, and our nation. Our IAR Purpose Statement is “to be Iowa’s trusted voice for real estate and empower members and associations to achieve excellence.”



Once you know “Why”, then the next step is finding “Who.” Finding the right person or group to take on a task, see the big picture, and make suggestions to make our industry better is the ideal. Fortunately, our IAR family has thousands of agents that are bright, energetic and
knowledgeable. I know that members of our leadership team are grateful for the opportunity to contribute


How am I doing? How can I do it better? For many agents, this question, or one like it, is asked daily. What can I do to improve myself, my 
business, my family, my community, my profession?  When I was asked about my goals for the year, it really came down to looking for ways for our members to be able to contribute their time and energy in such a way that we promote professionalism and quality service for our clients and industry. as well as have a healthy dose of fun in the process.


A good idea bears review. We are reviewing all aspects of our committee and governance structure so we can offer even better service to our members.  The challenge is of course, what is our “next best step”? Luckily, we are real estate professionals, a group that is never short of ability and suggestions! Give a REALTOR a phone and a full tank of gas and they can solve any problem! That’s the beauty of this coming year. We have a great organization. If we make no changes, we are a great organization. However, the satisfaction of doing your best and helping to make our world, albeit local, state or national is too attractive to ignore. We are highly trained in listening, clarifying situations, and seeking a “Win-Win” solution. Put your skills to use.


If you don’t know where you are going, at least know where you’re at. I’m pleased to say that your Iowa Association is in a good place. We have great staff, an energetic leadership team, and 17 healthy local Boards, each with dedicated officers and members. Nationally, we have dozens of members on NAR committees.


Hire good people and get out of the way!  

Our staff is top notch, offering stellar service in lobbying, education, communications, legal advice, real estate forms, MLS management, local board support, technical support, event planning and management, and ‘being there’ for our members. We may have the best staff, person to person in the nation. And finally, an invitation to make your REALTOR experience even more satisfying. 


Wax On, Wax Off

Mr. Miyagi, of the movie Karate Kid, has it right.  Even the smallest contribution of time or effort will garner a great payback of satisfaction. There will plenty of opportunities to ‘join in” for a brief time. Strongly consider attending some or all the winter meetings February 5th – 7th.  Participate in Bus-In day February 6th. Pay special attention to possible Board Consolidation, MLS data sharing and updated flood mapping. Check out our new Real Estate Stats program and all the great online education classes offered. Attend a local Board meeting or volunteer to help in a small local Board project. It’s your livelihood, your industry. Do yourself a favor, get involved in some small way.

 John Goede, 2019 IAR President

Iowa Association of REALTORS

This article was written as a collaboration of IAR Staff members or invited subject matter experts.

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