IAR Board of Directors Approves New Ambassador Program -- Apply Now!


The role of the Regional Vice President (RVP) in the Iowa Association of REALTORS' leadership structure has been under review. Recently the current RVPs and Leadership team met to formulate a new plan that will provide the greatest value to the organization as a whole. That new plan is the Ambassador Program.

During Summer Meetings, on June 6, 2023, the Iowa Association of REALTORS Board of Directors passed a motion to restructure the current Regional Vice President program to the Ambassador Program, subject to a bylaws change. 

In keeping with the values and mission of the Iowa Association of REALTORS, the new Ambassador Program will be structured to follow IAR's four main pillars and there will be one Ambassador for each. The four areas are: Organization, Advocacy, Legal/ Risk Management, and Member Engagement. 

The role of the Ambassador is to be a liaison between the committees in their area of expertise, local boards, and IAR. A strategic objective of IAR is to continually strengthen the relationship between the state and the local boards. Ambassadors must work together with the EO’s, Board Leadership and Brokers to further advance the directives of IAR and communicate back to IAR what is happening.

This position will also serve as a “champion” for RPAC assisting in fundraising, education, and Brokerage visits. Ambassadors will not be eligible to serve as an IAR Chair or Vice Chair during their term.  

You can learn more about the Ambassador Program here

Become An Ambassador 
Following Board approval of the Ambassador Program, subject to a bylaws change, applications to become an Ambassador were opened on June 7, 2023 and will close on August 1, 2023. 

The Credentials Committee will then meet to certify that the applicants meet the minimum requirements to run. On August 3, 2023 the Credentials Committee will announce the applicants and each approved individual will be allowed to campaign until a special Board of Directors meeting held on September 6 at 9am.

Once four individuals are elected, the Leadership Team will appoint the individual to their area of expertise. Terms will begin January 1, 2024. RVP's will no longer exist December 31, 2023, subject to a bylaws change.

Apply to be an IAR Ambassador 

Leadership Institute 
In order to be considered for an Ambassador position, members must meet certain qualifications. One such qualification is to have completed the Iowa Association of REALTORS Leadership Institute prior to application or within the first year of their term.  

The IARLI consists of 6 days of high-quality sessions designed to nurture future industry, community and real estate leaders.

The Leadership Institute is focused on improving communication skills, business relationships, association knowledge, industry trends, meeting management, collaboration and diversity. This course is excellent for local association leaders as well as those that have aspirations to become leaders at the state level. National speakers, content matter experts and facilitation by IAR staff make this an engaging and highly-sought after program.


The IAR Leadership Institute is currently accepting applications for the upcoming session. Applications are due by June 15, 2023.

Apply for IARLI




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