Get Involved

The Iowa Association of REALTORS® could not operate without the many members serving on committees, work groups, and task forces. Sign up today to serve your association and help shape the real estate industry in Iowa.

IAR Leadership and Ambassadors 

Applications for candidates  wishing to run for IAR Leadership (Second Vice-President, Treasurer and Ambassador) MUST submit an application no later than March 1. 

The positions of President, President-Elect, and First Vice-President follow an affirmed succession and do not need to reapply for leadership team each year. Each term for leadership positions is one year. Ambassadors serve a two year term, and two will be selected in staggered years with the first application cycle beginning in 2025. 

Credentials Committee will review all applications and notify approved candidates.  All approved candidates will be voted on and elected by a majority vote of the Board of Directors at Summer Meetings.  Applications for leadership team will open in 2025.  

Committees, Workgroups, Task Forces 

Board Executive Officers Committee

Work at the local level! The Board Executive Officers Committee is charged with developing communications with local Boards and Associations, providing membership with information on Association issues, and attracting new members and affiliates. The committee is composed of the Executive Officers of the local Member Boards/Associations.  

Communications Committee

Help shape the way we communicate at Iowa Association of REALTORS®! The Communications Committee of IAR is responsible for the overall public relations of the Association and for maintaining a high level of communication between the State Association, the Local Boards and Associations, and the individual member. 

Diversity Committee

The Iowa Association of REALTORS® Diversity Committee works to build a diverse, equitable, and inclusive association for its members through development of new programs and educational opportunities; works to create an association where the general membership and leadership reflects the diversity of the public we serve; promotes fair housing and lending practices that will help bridge the homeownership gap in our State. The Diversity Committee seeks to foster an environment where all members feel welcome or empowered to be involved.  

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee ensures the financial integrity of the Iowa Association of REALTORS®. All committees making a motion to the Leadership Team/Board of Directors that requires the use of IAR funds must first forward the motion to the Finance Committee for review. The Finance Committee will then provide a recommendation to the Leadership Team/ Board of Directors regarding the budgetary impact. The Finance Committee develops a budget to be presented and voted on by the Board of Directors. The committee oversees and makes periodic review of all IAR investments.

Forms Committee

The Iowa Association of REALTORS® provides a database of Real Estate forms through Form Simplicity as a benefit to all members, though their use is not mandated. The Forms Committee continuously reviews these offered forms. Members of the committee review forms, hear complaints, take form suggestions from fellow members, and ultimately vote on any changes to the forms. Every year, the forms committee will strive to review every form, make any necessary changes, and will ultimately endeavor to copyright each form every year, as practical. 

Grievance Committee

The Grievance Committee is composed of 1 individual from each local association that has opted into the Statewide Professional Standards Program. The committee meets monthly via Zoom to review all ethics complaints that are filed to determine whether or not they warrant further consideration by the Professional Standards Committee.

Legislative Committee 

Have a passion for politics? The legislative committee works to protect your profession! In collaboration with the Iowa Association of REALTORS® lobbying staff, committee members help promote legislative goals as set forth in the Association Statement of Policy. This group is very active each spring, meeting weekly via web conference to discuss the latest legislation being introduced by the Iowa Legislature and to determine if the legislation is in the best interest of the Association and its members. Iowa REALTORS® can thank this group for recent legislative victories protecting private property rights and the place of the REALTOR® in a real estate transaction. 

Professional Standards Committee

The Professional Standards Committee is responsible for encouraging a high level of professional business conduct and upholding and enforcing the REALTOR® Code of Ethics.

REALTOR® Party Committee

The REALTOR® Party Committee deals specifically with the REALTOR® Party Creed of Vote, Act, Invest. As the only advocacy group in America that fights exclusively for homeownership, real estate investment, strong communities and the free enterprise system, the REALTOR® Party is not focused on the right or left; it is focused on the issues that matter to existing and future homeowners and the real estate industry. Resources include grants and tools to help run candidate and issue campaigns, and implement smart growth, housing opportunity and diversity programs, and much more.

REALTOR® Foundation of Iowa 

The REALTOR® Foundation of Iowa (RFI) was established to promote REALTOR® contributions to Iowa communities, including charitable and educational giving.  RFI is a separate 501(c)3 organization. RFI has its own board of directors. Learn more.

Risk Management Committee

The Risk Management Committee is responsible for furthering IAR’s mission of providing awareness of comprehensive risk management programs and services. The Committee develops and coordinates plans of action to aid the membership in Risk Management.

RPAC Trustees

The RPAC Trustees are charged with the duty of determining how to effectively support candidates who best align with the interests and objectives of the Iowa Association of REALTORS® . RPAC is permitted to make direct contributions to State candidates, and upon request by local REALTOR® Boards for County and/or Municipal Candidates. IAR RPAC is limited to recommending federal candidate contributions to the National Association of REALTORS® RPAC Trustees with regard to federal races.   

Visionary Committee
The Visionary Team consists of 12 members selected by the President-Elect. President-Elect shall be Chair and First Vice President shall be Vice Chair. The purpose of the Visionary Team is to think futuristically, brainstorm ideas, think outside the box, and proactively evaluate the association in the ever changing real estate climate to facilitate a forward thinking environment.