Housing Opportunity Program

The Housing Opportunity Program provides grants to help REALTORS and REALTOR Associations to identify and advocate for housing opportunities in their communities.



Housing Opportunity Grants are available from the National Association of REALTORS to help local and state REALTOR associations implement affordable housing programs.

Level 1 grants of up to $1,000 are available to host an Employer-Assisted Housing (EAH) or Expanding Housing Opportunities (EHO) class.

Level 2 grants of up to $5,000 are available to fund programs and activities that create housing opportunities for community residents.

More information is available at https://realtorparty.realtor/community-outreach/housing-opportunity


An Employer Assisted Housing class trains REALTORS to work with local employers to implement an EAH benefit program for employees. See www.realtoractioncenter.com/eah

The Expanding Housing Opportunities course is designed to educate REALTORS on the range of affordable housing opportunities and clients seeking them. See www.realtoractioncenter.com/eho

Partnerships and Outreach

Partnerships have been developed with a range of housing industry organizations, including NeighborWorks America, National Housing Conference, the National Council of State Housing Agencies, and the US Conference of Mayors.

NAR provides funding and assistance for Housing Forums & Conferences to bring REALTORS and community stakeholders together to inform and educate them about workforce housing issues. See www.realtor.org/housingforums or www.realtor.org/eahclass

RESOURCES: Toolkits, Guide and Publications

See the following links for additional resources:
Housing Opportunity Home page