
Why Join?

See the benefits of membership and check out the Iowa's Value Proposition to see what your dues dollars get you.

Membership Programs

We offer different membership programs:

  • REALTOR® Membership (Iowa brokers and licensed agents)
  • Affiliate Membership (real-estate related companies like banks, inspection companies, mortgage companies, etc.)
  • Secondary or Other Membership (for out-of-state agents, MLS-only members; please call our membership department 800-532-1515 or 515-453-1064 for details)
Benefits / Services REALTOR® Member Affiliate Member
Benchmark Magazine Yes Yes
Preferred Pricing on Insurance Yes Yes
Access to Housing Stats Yes Yes
Tech Helpline Yes
Online Forms Yes
Legal Hotline Yes
REALTOR Directory Yes
Discounted Event / Class Registrations Yes
Membership Price Pleasecontact local boardfor prices $75/ year prorated quarterly


How to Join

REALTOR® Membership Steps

  1. Obtain a real estate license (see Iowa license requirements)
  2.  Find a sponsoring Iowa REALTOR® broker
  3. Apply for membership through a local Iowa REALTOR Board or Association
  4. Submit the required membership fees

Affiliate Membership

Contact Terry Ottum to become an affiliate member

Secondary REALTOR® Membership

For other membership programs (out of state membership, MLS-only, etc.) please contact Terry Ottum in our membership department.