Nearly 150 Iowa Association of REALTORS leaders, members and staff recently descended upon Bridges Bay Resort in Okoboji to set the course for the future of the association at the 2023 Summer Meetings.
While this year’s event was shorter than the past, it was no less productive. Attendees engaged in thoughtful discussions, shared unique ideas, and helped to propel IAR into the future.
Thank you to all who attended Summer Meetings. If you were unable to attend, or could only stay a short while, don’t worry, we’re recapping the event below.
Monday, June 5 - Kick-off Beach Party
Upon arrival at Bridges Bay Resort, attendees were invited to enjoy drinks, appetizers and networking at Bracco Beach Bar.
Guests snacked on popcorn and s’mores to cap a fun night of camaraderie.
Tuesday, June 6 - Governance Meetings
The day began with closed sessions for President & Presidents-Elect and Executive Officers.
Communications Committee
The Communications Committee welcomed new marketing project manager, Ashley Lupkes and received an update on the content strategy for the marketing and communications department.
The committee received a brief update on the progress in creating a year-long calendar accessible from the IAR website. The marketing and communications department will continue to work on this initiative and update the IAR website.
Legislative Committee
The Legislative Committee discussed the successful legislative session, including providing updates on potential next steps for bills that were recently signed by the Governor.
One topic of interest involved Real Estate Wholesaling, a practice being seen by many border states. Members approved a measure to create a joint task force with Risk Management to discuss Real Estate Wholesaling.
Other discussion included delayed presentation of offers and broker liens as they relate to commercial transitions. No legislative action was taken on these items at this time.
REALTOR Party Committee
The REALTOR Party Committee reviewed recent events, including the RPAC Road Tour that occurred in April: 300 attendees, more than $60,000 raised in six stops across the state.
Committee members were invited to provide information on upcoming RPAC events in their local areas. The Committee reminded attendees that the annual Statewide RPAC Auction will take place during the IAR Convention in September.
Diversity Committee
The Diversity Committee announced the launch of Interpretation Services as a new member benefit. With this benefit, IAR partnered with iTEK Solutions in the Quad Cities in an effort to assist in breaking down barriers for Iowans who seek to be homeowners.
Under the benefit, IAR will pay for 75% of the cost for interpretation services, while the member will pay the remaining 25%. The program is opt-in and members were encouraged to begin the process of enrolling in the service as soon as possible. The Committee asked anyone who has experience with the service to share their story with Greta Haas or Ashlee Kieler.
The Committee also provided an update on its collaboration with the marketing and communications department, which focuses on telling member stories from across the state.
Chair Nora Crosthwaite also discussed the Committee’s two strategic goals: bridging the homeownership gap and increasing representation in the agent and affiliate communities. These strategic goals are well underway and progress is being made.
Risk Management
The Risk Management Committee heard presentations from IAR general counsel Matt Blake related to artificial intelligence and notary issues.
The committee approved a motion to create a joint task force with the Legislative Committee to look into Real Estate Wholesaling. The committee also approved a motion to create an emerging technology task force.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors reviewed a proposal to restructure the Regional Vice President program to the Ambassador Program.
This transition would create four ambassadors, one would represent each of the following areas of the association: Operations, Advocacy, Legal, and Member Engagement. These four individuals would be voting members of the Board of Directors.
This restructuring would decrease the number of voting members on the IAR board of directors by four. It was determined that this restructured program would require a bylaws change. For that reason, a motion was passed to approve the creation of the IAR Ambassador program subject to bylaws change approval. Applications for these new positions opened on June 7 and will close on August 1.
- Committee representatives provided updates on their committees including bringing forth the following motions:
- Create a joint task force between the Legislative Committee and Risk Management Committee to look into Real Estate Wholesaling.
- Create a task force to rethink and restructure the RPAC Road Tour.
- Create an emerging technology task force to stay ahead of new technology as it affects real estate.
All motions passed.
The Board of Directors began the process for the election of officers. Scott Wendl announced the candidates for Second Vice President as Regen Johnson and Jill Monnahan. Both individuals provided brief remarks and answered questions.
Ballots were distributed to the Board of Directors. After a count, Regen Johnson was elected as Second Vice President.