Things are Changing
First appeared in the Spring 2018 Benchmark.
Striving to improve. Always looking to get better. Going from good to great. These are some of the themes that every successful business person does throughout their career and life. It is no different here at the association. We’re focused on taking your association to the next level. Last year we had a major overhaul with our website. This year we’re working on 3 major projects that will improve our online education system, an enhanced customer relationship management (CRM) portal and a complete revamp of our housing stats system.
Some of you may be thinking, ok, so what?! How does this really help me and my business.
Whether you are registering for CE classes or looking for a legal resource on our website, the process is much easier with your mobile device than 1 year ago. The new website allowed for a better mobile online experience. In addition, the search function performs much better and allows you to easily locate what you need on our site.
With an upgraded CRM you will be able to easily access your CE certificates and register for classes from any device. In addition, we will be able to communicate more relevant information to each member. This will allow staff to more effectively and efficiently serve all of you!
Later this summer, taking classes online will be a much better experience with the new mobile-friendly, well-designed REsmarts online education system. REsmarts will replace LectLearn.
The New Housing Stats system will help you, your local board, and the state association truly be the source for real estate statistics for consumers and media. The design and depth of information will be an impressive upgrade from the housing statistics system we have been using for the last several years. This system should be ready soon.
As you can see, 2018 is a busy year implementing our strategic ideas into new tools and resources to impact your business.
If you have suggestions or feedback, please contact staff at or contact us at 800-532-1515.